As in the picture above, every time you build 1 house, build it evenly so you can add another 1 house.
If you want to build to 3 house. So each sequence F must also have 2 house.
If the money is not enough, you can only add another 1rmh in the Netherlands, then you can continue the game.
After your round and you step on 1 complex F again and have enough money to add another 1 rmh in french and english then buy,
And if each row of F is already 2 houses then you can continue building to 3 houses each until you make a hotel.
Hotels can only be built at 1 hotel in each complex and no more.
• If your friend steps into the F complex area where there is already a house,
Then your friend has to pay according to what is on the card.
Follow the price stated on the card, 1 houses or 2 houses.
Not multiplied 2x.
:::(Or you can make your own calculation, you can calculate 2x the price of the house and hotel,
For example, the price is 1rmh 6000 then x will be 2
You can multiply it 2x as long as you have 1 complex and each has a house.
For each 1 F complex, if each has 1 rmh then it can be multiplied by 2.
If one of them doesn't have a home and the rest do, then you can't)
So make sure you build your home evenly
For example, in complex F you have bought 2 land cards.
And the remaining 1 belongs to your friend.
So when you step on your friend's land, you have to pay and ask if you want to sell your land.
If your friend wants to sell it, your friend will give you a reasonable price.
If it is sold then complex F will become your 1 complex.
And you can build houses and hotels.
Actually there is no free parking, just a short stop.
And taxes must also be paid to the bank.
But if you don't want to lose...
So make your own rules,
Like, when you step on taxes and have to pay, there is no need to pay to the bank.
Put the money into the middle of the lake of wealth and opportunity.
Likewise, when you get a lakemum card and have the opportunity to pay a fine, get drunk, etc., you just put it in the middle of the monopoly board.
So the money that has been collected will be able to be taken by anyone when they step into the free parking lot.
That way the game will be even more exciting.
If you already have an electricity company that you have purchased,
So when another player steps on the electricity company you have to pay....
How to pay,
4 x dice number x card price listed at the electricity company.
For example, you roll the dice with the number 7 and the electricity company's price is 750 which is written on the card.
(4 x 7 x 750 =...) the results that come out are what must be paid.
If you own both the water and electricity companies then it becomes (10 x dice number x card price)
If there is only 1 company then it is only multiplied by 4, if it is 2 then it becomes 10x.
If you already have an electricity and water company card then you don't need to pay for it.
But if you get a chance or lake card that contains electricity and water companies then you have to pay.
The payment method is the same.
If there is only 1 pt.air card then multiply 4 x dice x card price
If 2 cards are pt water and electricity then multiply 10 x dice x card price.
You have 2PT water and water and other players have to pay if they step.
But if you get an opportunity card containing payment for electricity or water, multiply it by 10 if you have bought 2 PT and you pay.
If you are still confused about what 1 komplek is and how to build houses and hotels,
Download the game below and play the tutorial on how to play monopoly, in this game you will understand how to build houses and hotels.
If you are still confused and want to ask a question, please leave a comment and we will answer it as best as possible.
Thank you for reading through and if there is a word wrong i apologize for typing wrong.
- Thank You -
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