Tricks to Get Out of Online Loan Debt Without Even Paying


Hi reader,

Not a few people are caught in debt so they have difficulty paying off their debts. So, is there a trick to getting out of loan debt?

Some people even have dark eyes when they are caught in difficulty paying off loan debts.

Not a few of them end up ending their lives because they find it difficult to pay off loan debts.

Here are some tricks to avoid difficulties in paying loan debts

Tricks to Get Rid of Loan Debt:

1. Contact the online loans Company

If paying loan installments becomes difficult, you should communicate with the loan company.

Not a few loan companies are willing to work together to find a solution that suits your financial situation. These include loan restructuring, payment delays, or gradual payments

2. Create a Payment Plan

Try to make a realistic loan repayment plan based on your financial capabilities and interest rates.

Also identify additional sources of income. Allocate a portion of your income to pay off loan debts regularly.

3. Don't borrow anymore

Usually, taking out additional loans will only make the situation worse. Therefore, you should try to avoid incurring new debt.

Try to pay loan installments according to your ability without having to look for new debt.

4. Debt Consolidation

If you have several loan debts that you find difficult to manage, consider debt consolidation options.

The way to do this is to combine several debts into one with a lower interest rate which can help reduce the payment burden.

5. Check online loans Company Status

Check the status of the loan company you use. Is it legal or not?

If legal, you must pay off the debt from the loan company. This will have an impact on your records in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Financial Information Services System (SLIk). Your records will become bad and of course become a target for debt collectors.

However, when it turns out that the loan company is illegal, you can be free from your loan debt without paying a penny.

6. Throw away your cellphone number and replace it with a new one

To be free from the terror of debt collectors, you should change your number to a new cellphone number. In this way, the terror will automatically disappear.

7. No need to pay attention to incoming terror

After changing your cellphone number, you should tell relatives and friends if your cellphone is hijacked. So, if someone is acting in the name of a debt collector, you should ignore it

No need to worry about the OJK SLIK Black List

Usually, debt collectors from official loans will follow the rules in collection. However, unofficial loans are usually haphazard.

So, you don't need to worry that not paying your illegal loan debt will damage your name at SLIK OJK.

However, it is still recommended not to deliberately avoid the obligation to pay debts.

These are some tricks to get rid of loan debt that you can do, hopefully they will help.

Happy reading, if you have any questions, you can comment in the comments column below.



Thank you for reading through and if there is a word wrong i apologize for typing wrong.

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